Obscura | Steinberg Endorsement
Obscura proudly announces partnership with Steinberg
“Since more than a decade Steinberg has been a part of my work as media engineer and musician. Either Nuendo, Cubase or WaveLab has been used during all audio- & video productions since my early days as a producer. 5.1 mixes, post-production, live recording or common stereo mix and mastering – Steinberg has been involved since the very first minute. Obscura will use Steinberg CubasePro & WaveLabPro during the writing and recording process of our upcoming, yet untitled, new album and beyond.” – Steffen Kummerer
Steinberg has been providing award-winning, technologically advanced music and media production products for musicians and producers of music, video and film since 1984. Today, Steinberg is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of music and audio software and hardware, with more than two million users worldwide. Steinberg also provides business customers with license-management and copy-protection systems.
The Steinberg range of products has long since found world renown in all aspects of modern digital audio processing, and form the backbone of facilities specializing in music composition and production, mastering, restoration, broadcast, sound design, audio post for the film industry among many others.